Free Historical Non-fiction eBooks

Explore a vast collection of free historical non-fiction eBooks at eBookTakeAway. Dive into biographies, memoirs, and accounts of historical events that shaped our world. Discover timeless works by renowned authors like Robert Louis Stevenson, Jacob Abbott, and G.K. Chesterton. Perfect for history enthusiasts seeking factual narratives and insights.
A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years AgoAnne Douglas Sedgwick
A Footnote to History Eight Years of Trouble in SamoaRobert Louis Stevenson
A Plea for Captain John BrownHenry David Thoreau
A Short History of EnglandG.K. Chesterton
A Short History of ScotlandAndrew Lang
A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume 1James Cook
A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World Volume 2James Cook
Alexander the GreatJacob Abbott
Anglo-Saxon LiteratureJohn Earle
AstoriaWashington Irving
Augusta TriumphansDaniel Defoe
Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Greek HistoryCharlotte Mary Yonge
AvrilHilaire Belloc
Cameos from English HistoryCharlotte Mary Yonge
Canada the Empire of the NorthAgnes Christina Laut
Captain Cooks Journal During His First Voyage Round the WorldJames Cook
Charles IJacob Abbott
Chronicle of the Conquest of GranadaWashington Irving
CleopatraJacob Abbott
Cyrus the GreatJacob Abbott
Darius the GreatJacob Abbott
Directions for Navigating on Part of the South Coast of NewfoundlandJames Cook
Genghis KhanJacob Abbott
HannibalJacob Abbott
History of FranceCharlotte Mary Yonge
Homer and His AgeAndrew Lang
India Through the AgesFlora Annie Steel
Julius CaesarJacob Abbott
King Alfred of EnglandJacob Abbott
King Charles the Second of EnglandJacob Abbott
Knickerbockers History of New YorkWashington Irving
Lords of the NorthAgnes Christina Laut
Margaret of AnjouJacob Abbott
Mary ErskineJacob Abbott
Mary Queen of ScotsJacob Abbott
Mont-Saint-Michel and ChartresHenry Brooks Adams
NeroJacob Abbott
Old Times at OtterbourneCharlotte Mary Yonge
On the Spanish MainJohn Masefield
Pathfinders of the WestAgnes Christina Laut
Peter the GreatJacob Abbott
Pioneers and FoundersCharlotte Mary Yonge
Pioneers of the Pacific CoastAgnes Christina Laut
PyrrhusJacob Abbott
Queen ElizabethJacob Abbott
RegenerationH. Rider Haggard
Richard IJacob Abbott
Richard IIIJacob Abbott
RomulusJacob Abbott
Russia in 1919Arthur Ransome
Secret Chambers and Hiding PlacesAllan Fea
The Adventurers of England on Hudson BayAgnes Christina Laut
The Beginning Of The Sea Story Of AustraliaLouis Becke
The Boy With the US CensusFrancis Rolt-Wheeler
The Boy With the US FisheriesFrancis Rolt-Wheeler
The Boy With the US ForestersFrancis Rolt-Wheeler
The Boy With the US Life-SaversFrancis Rolt-Wheeler
The Boy With the US MinersFrancis Rolt-Wheeler
The Boy With the US SurveyFrancis Rolt-Wheeler
The Boy with the US Weather MenFrancis Rolt-Wheeler
The Cariboo TrailAgnes Christina Laut
The Crime of the CongoArthur Conan Doyle
The Crisis in RussiaArthur Ransome
The French RevolutionHilaire Belloc
The Greek View of LifeGoldsworthy Lowes Dickinson
The Historic ThamesHilaire Belloc
The History of Peter the Great Emperor of RussiaVoltaire
The Last Boer WarH. Rider Haggard
The Life SaversJames Otis
The Light KeepersJames Otis
The People of the AbyssJack London
The Rise of the Russian EmpireSaki
The Story of IrelandEmily Lawless
The Surrender of SantiagoFrank Norris
The World of HomerAndrew Lang
The Wound DresserWalt Whitman
Vikings of the PacificAgnes Christina Laut
William the ConquerorJacob Abbott
Woman in Sacred HistoryHarriet Beecher Stowe
XerxesJacob Abbott
Young Folk's History of EnglandCharlotte Mary Yonge
Young Folk's History of RomeCharlotte Mary Yonge