Free Crime and Mystery eBooks

Explore and download free crime and mystery eBooks at eBookTakeAway. Enjoy classic detective stories and thrillers in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, and other formats for Kindle, Nook, iPhone, iPad, and Android.
A Chain of EvidenceCarolyn Wells
A Crime of the Under-seasGuy Boothby
A Double Barrelled Detective StoryMark Twain
A Mysterious DisappearanceLouis Tracy
A SirenThomas Adolphus Trollope
A Study in ScarletArthur Conan Doyle
A Thief in the NightE.W. Hornung
Alias the Lone WolfLouis Joseph Vance
An Amiable CharlatanEdward Phillips Oppenheim
At the Mercy of TiberiusAugusta Jane Evans
Bat WingSax Rohmer
BlindfoldedEarle Ashley Walcott
Bucholz and the DetectivesAllan Pinkerton
By Advice of CounselArthur Cheney Train
Celebrated CrimesAlexandre Dumas
Chronicles of Martin HewittArthur Morrison
Dead Men Tell No TalesE.W. Hornung
Death at the ExcelsiorP.G. Wodehouse
His Last BowArthur Conan Doyle
Historical MysteriesAndrew Lang
Incredible AdventuresAlgernon Blackwood
James VI and the Gowrie MysteryAndrew Lang, Andrew Lang
Joan ThursdayLouis Joseph Vance
John SilenceAlgernon Blackwood
Linda Lee IncorporatedLouis Joseph Vance
Martin Hewitt InvestigatorArthur Morrison
McAllister and His DoubleArthur Cheney Train
Mississippi Outlaws and the DetectivesAllan Pinkerton
MortmainArthur Cheney Train
Mr. Justice RafflesE.W. Hornung
Murder in the GunroomHenry Beam Piper
My Strangest CaseGuy Boothby
Mysterious Mr. SabinEdward Phillips Oppenheim
Never-Fail BlakeArthur Stringer
NobodyLouis Joseph Vance
Okewood of the Secret ServiceValentine Williams
Raffles Further Adventures of the Amateur CracksmanE.W. Hornung
Raspberry JamCarolyn Wells
Red MasqueradeLouis Joseph Vance
Stolen IdolsEdward Phillips Oppenheim
Tangled TrailsWilliam MacLeod Raine
The Adventures of Sherlock HolmesArthur Conan Doyle
The Albert Gate MysteryLouis Tracy
The Amateur CracksmanE.W. Hornung
The BandboxLouis Joseph Vance
The Bartlett MysteryLouis Tracy
The Black BagLouis Joseph Vance
The Box with Broken SealsEdward Phillips Oppenheim
The Brass BowlLouis Joseph Vance
The Bronze BellLouis Joseph Vance
The Burglars Fate and The DetectivesAllan Pinkerton
The Childerbridge MysteryGuy Boothby
The Cinema MurderEdward Phillips Oppenheim
The Confessions of Artemas QuibbleArthur Cheney Train
The Cross-CutCourtney Ryley Cooper
The Curved BladesCarolyn Wells
The Day of DaysLouis Joseph Vance
The Deep Lake MysteryCarolyn Wells
The Destroying AngelLouis Joseph Vance
The Diamond PinCarolyn Wells
The Double TraitorEdward Phillips Oppenheim
The Evil ShepherdEdward Phillips Oppenheim
The Expressman and the DetectiveAllan Pinkerton
The False FacesLouis Joseph Vance
The Fortune HunterLouis Joseph Vance
The Gold BagCarolyn Wells
The Golden WebEdward Phillips Oppenheim
The Grand Babylon HotelArnold Bennett
The Great ImpersonationEdward Phillips Oppenheim
The Hound of the BaskervillesArthur Conan Doyle
The Innocence of Father BrownG.K. Chesterton
The Island MysteryGeorge A. Birmingham
The Kidnapped PresidentGuy Boothby
The Lone WolfLouis Joseph Vance
The Man from ArchangelArthur Conan Doyle
The Man Who Fell Through the EarthCarolyn Wells
The Man Who Knew Too MuchG.K. Chesterton
The Man Who Was ThursdayG.K. Chesterton
The Man with the ClubfootValentine Williams
The Memoirs of Sherlock HolmesArthur Conan Doyle
The MoonstoneWilkie Collins
The Moving FingerEdward Phillips Oppenheim
The Mysterious Affair at StylesAgatha Christie
The Mysterious Stranger and Other StoriesMark Twain
The Mystery GirlCarolyn Wells
The Mystery of CloomberArthur Conan Doyle
The Mystery of Evelin DelormeAlbert Bigelow Paine
The Mystery of Monastery FarmH. R. Naylor
The Mystery of the Clasped HandsGuy Boothby
The Mystery of the SeaBram Stoker
The Red House MysteryA.A. Milne
The Red TriangleArthur Morrison
The Riddle of the Frozen FlameMary Eliza Hanshew
The Riddle of the Mysterious LightMary Eliza Hanshew
The Riddle of the Purple EmperorMary Eliza Hanshew
The Riddle of the Spinning WheelMary Eliza Hanshew
The Secret AdversaryAgatha Christie
The Secret AgentJoseph Conrad
The Shadow of the RopeE.W. Hornung
The Somnambulist and the DetectiveAllan Pinkerton
The Spiritualists and the DetectivesAllan Pinkerton
The Stowmarket MysteryLouis Tracy
The Strange Case of Mortimer FenleyLouis Tracy
The Thirteenth ChairBayard Veiller
The Tragedy of Puddnhead WilsonMark Twain
The Underground CityJules Verne
The Valet's Tragedy and Other StudiesAndrew Lang
The Valley of FearArthur Conan Doyle
The Vanished MessengerEdward Phillips Oppenheim
The WillowsAlgernon Blackwood
The Wisdom of Father BrownG.K. Chesterton
The Woman in WhiteWilkie Collins
Theresa RaquinEmile Zola
Three John Silence StoriesAlgernon Blackwood
Three More John Silence StoriesAlgernon Blackwood
Tom Sawyer DetectiveMark Twain
Tutt and Mr TuttArthur Cheney Train
Vicky VanCarolyn Wells
Within the LawBayard Veiller